
Dark Phoenix Final Trailer Shows Off New, Dark Powers For Jean Grey


Dark Phoenix Final Trailer Shows Off New, Dark Powers For Jean Grey

Breaking news: a random mutant sighting has been reported this morning, and it’s a pretty big one. That’s right, Fox has dropped another trailer for Dark Phoenix, and it's all about Jean Grey and her newer, darker powers. Better still, this is probably the best trailer for the latest, and probably the last X-Men film we'll see for a while. But don't take my word for it, as you can see for yourself below:

Perhaps the greatest asset this trailer for Dark Phoenix presents is the fact that we see a clear line of story for Jean's ascendence into darkness. From the shuttle rescue that she and the rest of the crew are sent to execute, straight to her confrontation with Magneto, we see some slick storytelling at work.

Of course, there are quite a bit of powers that are used to tell that story as well, and we see Jean not only absorb the alien power force that will turn her into the Phoenix, but she also deflects lightning attacks launched by Storm, and even shatters Magneto's helmet into pieces. That's some pretty damned powerful mutation at work there.

While the usual gang of young X-Men are on display (we see Storm, Nightcrawler, and Cyclops all strutting their stuff), it's Sophie Turner's Jean Grey that's definitely ruling the show here. Seeing what we've got in front of us with this final trailer, her big moments with Michael Fassbender's Magneto and even James McAvoy's Professor Xavier look to be some of the most powerful stuff in the series.

Just the scene where she confronts Magneto "threatening her" speaks volumes on the potential that this film has to close out this chapter of X-Men history in a strong, satisfying manner.

As we've also seen in Dark Phoenix trailers of (future) past, Jean Grey is indeed going through a bit of a crisis. Something so big that the mysterious Jessica Chastain is trying to spur it on, and the rest of the X-Men universe is still trying to decide how to handle. It all comes to a head in director Simon Kinberg's big summer blockbuster, as the other side of Jean we started to see in X-Men: Apocalypse's big finale is shining through in full force. And may the spirit of Stan Lee help anyone who gets in her way.

The kitchen sink is proverbially thrown in Dark Phoenix, as there looks to be quite a bit of heartache heading our way, with Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique being one of the many victims we should expect in this final installment of the series’ revitalization that started with 2011’s X-Men: First Class.

It’s truly an end of an era, and it looks like Dark Phoenix is planning to close this saga out with some heavy firepower.

Dark Phoenix marks the end of the X-Men saga as we know it on June 7th. Though that shouldn't stop you from taking the 2019 release schedule and finding some super-powered and/or more grounded delights to take in at the movies!


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