
Zack Snyder Saw Shazam! Late, But Still Shared What He Thought


Zack Snyder Saw Shazam! Late, But Still Shared What He Thought
Shazam shows off his lightning to Freddie

While he’s not part of the inner workings of the DC Extended Universe, director Zack Snyder is still a figure that fans of the DCEU like to consult from time to time. And when not asking him about whether or not the Snyder Cut will ever be released, or pouring over the details of what Darkseid would have looked like in Justice League: Part 2, fans have taken to asking Snyder about his thoughts involving the current state of the film franchise meant to give Marvel’s Cinematic Universe a run for their money. Which is why it’s pretty awesome to hear that when asked about Shazam!, not only did Snyder respond, he actually seemed to like the film.

Previously, Zack Snyder was asked to provide his opinion on the David F. Sandberg directed film, and unfortunately for the fan who had asked he hadn’t seen it yet. Though it was only a handful of days before the Justice League director actually did go and see Shazam!, which prompted him to respond that he thought the movie was fun.

The exchange took place through Snyder’s preferred social network, Vero, and what’s even more surprising is the fact that Zack Snyder responded to the user who’d asked him without any prompting. So while the man may be busy preparing to return to the world of zombies with Netflix’s Army of the Dead, he’s not too busy to take some time out and answer some fan mail.

While not the uber-blockbuster success that Aquaman found itself to be, Shazam! has made a pretty generous bankroll at $347 million in international grosses. With a fifth place showing in the first week of Avengers: Endgame’s box office conquest, it’s not a bad place to be for a movie that’s already been out for about a month in theaters. Though with the new superpowered competition in town, it probably won’t last too much longer once May’s would be blockbusters take the field.

So it’s probably a good thing that Zack Snyder went and saw Shazam! now, before it left his local movie house. Especially since there were fans out there that really wanted to know what the director thought of Billy Batson’s origin story.

It’ll be interesting to see what Zack Snyder thinks about the future of the DC Extended Universe, with films like Joker and Wonder Woman 1984 in the pipeline. In fact, if there was any film that fans would probably want to know Snyder’s reaction to, it’d be the Todd Phillips directed head trip about the potential origin to Gotham’s clown prince of crime. So if you’re a Vero user, and you’re connected with Zack Snyder, you might want to keep your eyes peeled for the next chance to ask him about those films, when they hit theaters.

Shazam! is in theaters now, should you want to return to the world of DC Comics after Avengers: Endgame.


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